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tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-07", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-7-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 722549, "Daily change in cumulative total": 33893, "Cumulative total per thousand": 28.335, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.329, "7-day smoothed daily change": 22701, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.89, "Short-term tests per case": 1231.837, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 48, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-08", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-8-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 757250, "Daily change in cumulative total": 34701, "Cumulative total per thousand": 29.695999999999998, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.361, "7-day smoothed daily change": 24055, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.943, "Short-term tests per case": 1256.604, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 49, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-09", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-9-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 795456, "Daily change in cumulative total": 38206, "Cumulative total per thousand": 31.194000000000003, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.4980000000000002, "7-day smoothed daily change": 26268, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.03, "Short-term tests per case": 1250.857, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 50, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-10", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-10-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 827872, "Daily change in cumulative total": 32416, "Cumulative total per thousand": 32.466, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.271, "7-day smoothed daily change": 27824, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.091, "Short-term tests per case": 1334.027, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 51, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-11", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-11-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 855119, "Daily change in cumulative total": 27247, "Cumulative total per thousand": 33.534, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.069, "7-day smoothed daily change": 29272, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.148, "Short-term tests per case": 1463.6, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 52, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-12", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-12-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 877927, "Daily change in cumulative total": 22808, "Cumulative total per thousand": 34.429, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.894, "7-day smoothed daily change": 30453, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.194, "Short-term tests per case": 1733.098, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 53, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-13", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-13-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 909025, "Daily change in cumulative total": 31098, "Cumulative total per thousand": 35.648, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.22, "7-day smoothed daily change": 31481, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.235, "Short-term tests per case": 1916.235, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 54, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-14", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-14-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 943480, "Daily change in cumulative total": 34455, "Cumulative total per thousand": 36.999, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.351, "7-day smoothed daily change": 31562, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.238, "Short-term tests per case": 2209.34, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 55, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-15", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-15-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 983816, "Daily change in cumulative total": 40336, "Cumulative total per thousand": 38.580999999999996, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.5819999999999999, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32367, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.2690000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 2436.226, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 56, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-16", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-16-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1015652, "Daily change in cumulative total": 31836, "Cumulative total per thousand": 39.83, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.248, "7-day smoothed daily change": 31457, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.234, "Short-term tests per case": 2097.133, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 57, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-17", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-17-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1042126, "Daily change in cumulative total": 26474, "Cumulative total per thousand": 40.868, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.038, "7-day smoothed daily change": 30608, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.2, "Short-term tests per case": 2002.3929999999998, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 58, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-18", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-18-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1062034, "Daily change in cumulative total": 19908, "Cumulative total per thousand": 41.648999999999994, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.7809999999999999, "7-day smoothed daily change": 29559, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.159, "Short-term tests per case": 1989.5479999999998, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 59, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-19", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-19-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1085870, "Daily change in cumulative total": 23836, "Cumulative total per thousand": 42.583, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.935, "7-day smoothed daily change": 29706, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.165, "Short-term tests per case": 1856.625, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 60, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-20", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-20-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1111567, "Daily change in cumulative total": 25697, "Cumulative total per thousand": 43.591, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.008, "7-day smoothed daily change": 28935, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.135, "Short-term tests per case": 1947.5479999999998, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 61, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-21", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-21-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1137684, "Daily change in cumulative total": 26117, "Cumulative total per thousand": 44.615, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.024, "7-day smoothed daily change": 27743, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.088, "Short-term tests per case": 1867.317, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 62, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-22", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-22-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1170682, "Daily change in cumulative total": 32998, "Cumulative total per thousand": 45.909, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.294, "7-day smoothed daily change": 26695, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.047, "Short-term tests per case": 2031.141, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 63, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-23", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-23-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1192262, "Daily change in cumulative total": 21580, "Cumulative total per thousand": 46.756, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.846, "7-day smoothed daily change": 25230, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.9890000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 2323.8160000000003, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 64, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-24", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-24-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1224795, "Daily change in cumulative total": 32533, "Cumulative total per thousand": 48.031000000000006, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.276, "7-day smoothed daily change": 26096, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.023, "Short-term tests per case": 2609.6, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 65, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-25", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-25-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1244200, "Daily change in cumulative total": 19405, "Cumulative total per thousand": 48.792, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.7609999999999999, "7-day smoothed daily change": 26024, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.021, "Short-term tests per case": 2846.375, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 66, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-26", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-26-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1288223, "Daily change in cumulative total": 44023, "Cumulative total per thousand": 50.519, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.726, "7-day smoothed daily change": 28908, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.1340000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 3488.897, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 67, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-27", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-27-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1338321, "Daily change in cumulative total": 50098, "Cumulative total per thousand": 52.483000000000004, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.965, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32393, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.27, "Short-term tests per case": 3488.4770000000003, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 68, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-28", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-28-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1367444, "Daily change in cumulative total": 29123, "Cumulative total per thousand": 53.626000000000005, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.1420000000000001, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32823, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.287, "Short-term tests per case": 3829.35, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 69, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-29", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-29-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1397622, "Daily change in cumulative total": 30178, "Cumulative total per thousand": 54.809, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.183, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32420, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.271, "Short-term tests per case": 3288.986, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 70, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-30", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-30-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1428538, "Daily change in cumulative total": 30916, "Cumulative total per thousand": 56.021, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.212, "7-day smoothed daily change": 33754, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.324, "Short-term tests per case": 3029.205, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 71, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-05-31", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-31-may-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1454568, "Daily change in cumulative total": 26030, "Cumulative total per thousand": 57.042, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.021, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32825, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.287, "Short-term tests per case": 2908.5440000000003, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 72, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-01", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-1-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1472220, "Daily change in cumulative total": 17652, "Cumulative total per thousand": 57.733999999999995, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.6920000000000001, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32574, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.2770000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 2651.3720000000003, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 73, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-02", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-2-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": "Cross-checked on 2020-06-09 to ensure accuracy", "Cumulative total": 1490387, "Daily change in cumulative total": 18167, "Cumulative total per thousand": 58.446999999999996, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.7120000000000001, "7-day smoothed daily change": 28881, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.133, "Short-term tests per case": 2350.779, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 74, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-03", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-3-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1512700, "Daily change in cumulative total": 22313, "Cumulative total per thousand": 59.321999999999996, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.875, "7-day smoothed daily change": 24911, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.977, "Short-term tests per case": 1981.557, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 75, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-04", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-4-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1546329, "Daily change in cumulative total": 33629, "Cumulative total per thousand": 60.641000000000005, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.319, "7-day smoothed daily change": 25555, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.002, "Short-term tests per case": 1987.611, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 76, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-05", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-5-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1579192, "Daily change in cumulative total": 32863, "Cumulative total per thousand": 61.928999999999995, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.2890000000000001, "7-day smoothed daily change": 25939, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.0170000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 2017.4779999999998, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 77, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-06", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-6-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1590588, "Daily change in cumulative total": 11396, "Cumulative total per thousand": 62.376000000000005, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.447, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23150, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.9079999999999999, "Short-term tests per case": 2077.564, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 78, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-07", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-7-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1617462, "Daily change in cumulative total": 26874, "Cumulative total per thousand": 63.43, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.054, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23271, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.9129999999999999, "Short-term tests per case": 2327.1, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 79, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-08", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-8-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1633515, "Daily change in cumulative total": 16053, "Cumulative total per thousand": 64.06, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.63, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23042, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.904, "Short-term tests per case": 2481.446, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 80, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-09", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-9-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1650684, "Daily change in cumulative total": 17169, "Cumulative total per thousand": 64.733, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.6729999999999999, "7-day smoothed daily change": 22900, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.898, "Short-term tests per case": 2627.869, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 81, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-10", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-10-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1679954, "Daily change in cumulative total": 29270, "Cumulative total per thousand": 65.881, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.148, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23893, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.937, "Short-term tests per case": 3635.8909999999996, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 82, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-11", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-11-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1711223, "Daily change in cumulative total": 31269, "Cumulative total per thousand": 67.107, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.226, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23556, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.924, "Short-term tests per case": 3508.34, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 83, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-12", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-12-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1745550, "Daily change in cumulative total": 34327, "Cumulative total per thousand": 68.453, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.3459999999999999, "7-day smoothed daily change": 23765, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 0.932, "Short-term tests per case": 3696.778, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 84, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-13", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-13-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1782651, "Daily change in cumulative total": 37101, "Cumulative total per thousand": 69.908, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.455, "7-day smoothed daily change": 27438, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.0759999999999998, "Short-term tests per case": 4924.769, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 85, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-14", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-14-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1812353, "Daily change in cumulative total": 29702, "Cumulative total per thousand": 71.07300000000001, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.165, "7-day smoothed daily change": 27842, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.092, "Short-term tests per case": 4146.681, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 86, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-15", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-15-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1828149, "Daily change in cumulative total": 15796, "Cumulative total per thousand": 71.692, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.619, "7-day smoothed daily change": 27805, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.09, "Short-term tests per case": 3243.917, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 87, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-16", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-16-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1848347, "Daily change in cumulative total": 20198, "Cumulative total per thousand": 72.485, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.792, "7-day smoothed daily change": 28238, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.107, "Short-term tests per case": 2823.8, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 88, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-17", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-17-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1876117, "Daily change in cumulative total": 27770, "Cumulative total per thousand": 73.574, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.089, "7-day smoothed daily change": 28023, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.099, "Short-term tests per case": 2452.012, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 89, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-18", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-18-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1927497, "Daily change in cumulative total": 51380, "Cumulative total per thousand": 75.58800000000001, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 2.015, "7-day smoothed daily change": 30896, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.212, "Short-term tests per case": 2300.766, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 90, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-19", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-19-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 1970205, "Daily change in cumulative total": 42708, "Cumulative total per thousand": 77.263, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.675, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32094, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.2590000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 2119.415, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 91, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-20", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-20-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2005378, "Daily change in cumulative total": 35173, "Cumulative total per thousand": 78.643, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.379, "7-day smoothed daily change": 31818, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.248, "Short-term tests per case": 1871.6470000000002, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 92, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-21", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-21-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2041324, "Daily change in cumulative total": 35946, "Cumulative total per thousand": 80.05199999999999, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.41, "7-day smoothed daily change": 32710, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.2830000000000001, "Short-term tests per case": 1708.731, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 93, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-22", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-22-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2107849, "Daily change in cumulative total": 66525, "Cumulative total per thousand": 82.661, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 2.609, "7-day smoothed daily change": 39957, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.567, "Short-term tests per case": 1983.681, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 94, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-23", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-23-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2132821, "Daily change in cumulative total": 24972, "Cumulative total per thousand": 83.64, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 0.9790000000000001, "7-day smoothed daily change": 40639, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.594, "Short-term tests per case": 2046.568, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 95, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-24", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-24-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2180424, "Daily change in cumulative total": 47603, "Cumulative total per thousand": 85.507, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.867, "7-day smoothed daily change": 43472, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.705, "Short-term tests per case": 2098.6479999999997, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 96, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-25", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-25-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2232341, "Daily change in cumulative total": 51917, "Cumulative total per thousand": 87.54299999999999, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 2.036, "7-day smoothed daily change": 43549, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.7080000000000002, "Short-term tests per case": 2018.828, "Short-term positive rate": 0.0} {"rowid": 97, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-26", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-26-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2281839, "Daily change in cumulative total": 49498, "Cumulative total per thousand": 89.484, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.9409999999999998, "7-day smoothed daily change": 44519, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.746, "Short-term tests per case": 1866.066, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 98, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-27", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-27-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2336061, "Daily change in cumulative total": 54222, "Cumulative total per thousand": 91.611, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 2.126, "7-day smoothed daily change": 47240, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.8530000000000002, "Short-term tests per case": 1777.849, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 99, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-28", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-28-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2379175, "Daily change in cumulative total": 43114, "Cumulative total per thousand": 93.301, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.6909999999999998, "7-day smoothed daily change": 48264, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.893, "Short-term tests per case": 1648.039, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001} {"rowid": 100, "Entity": "Australia - tests performed", "Date": "2020-06-29", "ISO code": "AUS", "Source URL": "https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-29-june-2020", "Source label": "Australian Government Department of Health", "Notes": null, "Cumulative total": 2415695, "Daily change in cumulative total": 36520, "Cumulative total per thousand": 94.734, "Daily change in cumulative total per thousand": 1.432, "7-day smoothed daily change": 43978, "7-day smoothed daily change per thousand": 1.725, "Short-term tests per case": 1368.204, "Short-term positive rate": 0.001}