covid-testing-latest-data-source-details: 38

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rowid ISO code Entity Date Source URL Source label Notes Number of observations Cumulative total Cumulative total per thousand Daily change in cumulative total Daily change in cumulative total per thousand 7-day smoothed daily change 7-day smoothed daily change per thousand Short-term positive rate Short-term tests per case General source label General source URL Short description Detailed description
38 IND India - people tested 2020-04-24 Indian Council of Medical Research Made available by DataMeet on GitHub 24 525667 0.381 40495 0.028999999999999998 29603 0.021 0.047 21.385 Indian Council of Medical Research The number of people tested. The ICMR reports separate figures for both “samples tested” and “people tested” at press conferences and in press releases (shown separately in the charts above). No other details are provided. The press releases from ICMR do not always stay online for very long. The reason for this is unknown, but the releases are being backed up at this [GitHub repository]( On some occasions there appear to have been more than one update released per day. Where we are aware of multiple observations for the day, we show the number for the earlier release. The ICMR website does not explicitly state whether the reported figures refer to PCR tests only. From contextual information, it appears that the reported figures may also include samples that were tested using a TrueNat non-PCR test. ICMR communications on [21 May 2020]( and [19 April 2020]( indicate that TrueNat tests are being used in diagnostic testing. These TrueNat tests likely account for a small minority of all samples tested. It is unclear from the source whether or not the cumulative number of people tested repeatedly counts people that have gone through more than one round of testing over the course of the pandemic. Since we derive a count of the daily number of people tested from the change in this cumulative number, if people undergoing multiple rounds of testing are not counted repeatedly in the cumulative, repeat testers will not appear in our daily testing figures. Our data for this series is sourced from a non-official repository of official data. As explained in our [FAQ here]( we regularly audit the accuracy of this repository against direct official channels. Note that, due to the way the data is presented by the official source, the time series may be impacted by retrospective revisions made by the source – see our [FAQ here](