covid-testing-latest-data-source-details: 65

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rowid ISO code Entity Date Source URL Source label Notes Number of observations Cumulative total Cumulative total per thousand Daily change in cumulative total Daily change in cumulative total per thousand 7-day smoothed daily change 7-day smoothed daily change per thousand Short-term positive rate Short-term tests per case General source label General source URL Short description Detailed description
65 MEX Mexico - people tested 2020-10-22 Health Secretary   296 1975297 15.32 11260 0.087 11403 0.08800000000000001 0.27899999999999997 3.5789999999999997 Government of Mexico The number of people tested. The Government of Mexico makes several datasets available along with [its COVID-19 dashboard]( The files can be downloaded in CSV format. To arrive at the time series shown on our website, we use the CSV files for confirmed cases ("confirmados") and negative cases ("negativos"). For each file, we only keep the row that reports national data, merge the two files together, and add up confirmed and negative cases to find the number of people tested each day. Two pieces of evidence suggest that people undergoing multiple rounds of testing over the course of the pandemic may be counted each round: 1) Figures refer to the number of cases tested, and each case has a unique ID; and 2) The source provides the number of cases with samples tested in the past 24 hours, which matches the daily change in the cumulative number of cases tested. Data starts on 1 January 2020; we do not know if this is because tests started on that date or because earlier data is not available.