covid-testing-latest-data-source-details: 9

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rowid ISO code Entity Date Source URL Source label Notes Number of observations Cumulative total Cumulative total per thousand Daily change in cumulative total Daily change in cumulative total per thousand 7-day smoothed daily change 7-day smoothed daily change per thousand Short-term positive rate Short-term tests per case General source label General source URL Short description Detailed description
9 BGR Bulgaria - tests performed 2020-10-28 Bulgaria COVID-10 Information Portal   169 680744 97.971 11226 1.6159999999999999 7978 1.148 0.19399999999999998 5.153 Bulgaria COVID-19 Information Portal The number of tests performed. Bulgaria's official COVID-19 information portal provides irregular updates of the cumulative number of 'PCR tests done'. Using web archives we reconstruct the testing time series starting from 11 April 2020. We cannot say with certainty when testing began, only that the earliest observation available to us begins from 11 April 2020. For 19 April 2020, we take the figure provided in Bulgaria's [COVID-19 dashboard]( as no snapshot was available using web archives. The test figures provided in the dashboard match the figures provided by the information portal for all other dates available. Note that, due to the way the data is presented by the official source, the time series may be impacted by retrospective revisions made by the source – see our [FAQ here](